Town Leadership


Elected Officials

Tim Parris


David Gates

David Gates


Keith Clark

Keith Clark


Jim Cochran

Jim Cochran


Support Staff

Debbie Coffey

Debbie Coffey

Town Clerk

Jay Coward

Jay Coward

Town Attorney


Planning Board
Parks & Recreation
Streets & Sidewalks
Zoning & Signs
Budget & Capital Improvements

Board Meetings

The Town Board meets on the second Monday of each month. There is a workshop at 5:30 pm followed immediately by the Board Meeting at 6:00 pm in the Town Hall at Front & Depot Streets.

Public comment is heard at 6:00 pm; however, agenda items must be submitted to the Town Clerk one week before the monthly board meeting. 

The Planning Board meets every third Tuesday morning at 9 am.


The Town of Dillsboro appoints committee members to the following bodies:

Tuckaseigee Water & Sewer Authority

Jackson County Solid Waste Board

Jackson County Council on Aging